Getting ready for the trip back to my site from Sonsonate, where the stove factory is located. We had to make two trips to get all 75 stoves back, with another trip scheduled in a few weeks to pick up an oven and three larger versions of the stoves meant for three nearby schools.
A few shots from inside the stove factory. The stoves are very durable, need 70% less firewood than normal, and drastically cut down on smoke.
Took a group of nine farmers from my community to a training in Izalco to learn about raising fish. Right now the farmers are working on constructing their fish tanks and in about a month our first shipment of baby fish will be arriving. Each farmer with be raising about 80 tilapia.
These tanks are much larger than the ones we'll be using...they fit over a thousand fish each...but it is the same general idea.
My original host family, where I still eat at least one or two meals every day, just had some puppies born. They're are not yet even a week old. I figured if nothing else, at least these pictures would make the blog a little cuter...
Hey Max, nice to see that your new camera is up and running and you are publishing again, missed your posts. Nice shots but that's pretty low pulling out the cute puppy shots for attention...lots of news on this end so I'll be looking for your call tomorrow but not after 7pm, maybe in the afternoon if possible - Yom Kippur services! Happy New Year by the way. Love, dad